Saturday, June 18, 2011

Why are gyms filled with so many fit people?

Last week I was able to train two days... Since I'm back at school full-time (although still working part-time), I have access to the university fitness center. This means an indoor track (1/10 mile) and loads of exercise equipment. So, I decided to do circuit training.

My version of circuit training is to start with three laps (3/10 mile), then get on the device that lets you hang your legs down, and you can lift your knees up... it's an abdominal exercise I'm using for reaching the sit-up goal. Another three laps (up to 6/10 now)... then the lat pull down machine, to train for the pull-ups. Another three laps (9/10 total)... and I jump on the bench press, just because the bench press is a great, overall, exercise. Finally, another three laps (1.2 miles total now), then squats, then the last three laps (1.5 miles overall).

On other days, I'm going to just do aerobic stuff on the roller blades... the super sweet Rollerblade Crossfire 90 MX roller blades, I mean! :)

So far, I've been sore as hell for two days after each circuit training session. I suppose that's good. This coming week, I'm making sure to bring a protein smoothie with me each day for post-session recovery...

Tomorrow, just for grins, I may do a pre-test PFT, just to see how awful my scores would be. Sometimes, that can be a good motivator for me! My predictions? 0 pull-ups, 40 sit-ups, and a 36:00 3-mile. Sad, and humbling, but reality is what it is.

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